
Masarcom College of Information Technology, Hangu

Affiliated with S.D.C (Skill Development Council)

(Skill Development Council: A joint project of National Training Bureau Government of Pakistan, World Bank, I.L.O & E.F.P)

This Institute is Temporary Unavailable

Click any link below to see information

Rules of Institute

If you are interested to take admission in the institute, from this link you can learn about the rules of the institute.

Courses & Fee List

By visiting this page you can learn more about the courses thought in the institute and the fee structure of the institute.


From this link you can learn about the Syllabus of different courses thought in the institute.

Admission Form

If you have learnt about the institute and would like to take admission, so you would really be in need of Admission Form so go ahead...

Computer Notes

If you are keenly interested in learning more about the computer technology, so we provide computer notes free of cost.

You will really like to study it..........

More Facilities 

We also provide facility of Video & Picture editing, Digital Picture printing , Movie making etc.

Contact us....

Click to see information about Al-Madina Public High School Hangu


This website is prepared by:

Khalid Amin Orakzai, Managing Director, Masarcom College of I.T. Hangu

Thanks for visiting!