Courses / Fee List



Fee List



Non-registered Course

Admission Fee: Rs. 100/-

Monthly Fee: Rs. 500/-

Exam/Certificate: Rs. 250/-

No educational terms are required and no duration limit.


3/6 Months Certificate Course


Admission Fee: Rs. 200/-

Monthly Fee: Rs. 600/-

Exam/Certificate: Rs. 500/-

No educational terms are required and no duration limit.


6 Months Certificate / 1 Year Diploma Course


Admission Fee: Rs. 200/-

Monthly Fee: Rs. 700/-

Exam/Certificate: Rs. 1000/-

This course is organized for students who have passed Class 8th and above.


PMDIT Course (Post Metric Diploma in I.T) (Registered)

Admission Fee: Rs. 300/-

Monthly Fee: Rs. 700/-

Registration Fee: Rs. 750/-

Exam/Diploma: Rs. 1000/-

This course is organized for students who have passed Class Metric and above.


PIDIT Course (Post Intermediate Diploma in I.T) (Registered)

Admission Fee: Rs. 300/-

Monthly Fee: Rs. 1000/-

Registration Fee: Rs. 2500/-

Exam/Diploma: Rs. 2500/-

This course is organized for students who have passed Intermediate and above.


PGDIT Course (Post Graduate Diploma in I.T) (Registered)

Admission Fee: Rs. 300/-

Monthly Fee: Rs. 1500/-

Registration Fee: 3000/-

Exam/Diploma: Rs. 3000/-

This course is organized for Graduated students.