

Taskbar and Start Menu

It contains Taskbar Options and Start Menu Programs Tabs.


To customize the taskbar or Start menu

1.             Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Taskbar & Start Menu.

2.             On the Taskbar Options or Start Menu Programs tab, change the settings, and then click OK.


·                You can also open the Taskbar Properties dialog box by right-clicking a blank area on the taskbar, and then clicking Properties.


Taskbar Options Tab

 Always on top

When it is checked it ensures that the taskbar is always visible, even when you run a program in a maximized window.


To hide the taskbar

1.             Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Taskbar & Start Menu.

2.             Select the Auto hide check box.


·                To redisplay the taskbar, point to the area of your screen where the taskbar is located. For example, if your taskbar is located at the bottom of your screen, point to that area.

·                Instead of using Auto hide, you can temporarily hide the taskbar by pointing to the top of it and dragging downward when a two-headed arrow appears. To redisplay the taskbar, drag the visible edge upward.


Show small icons in the start menu

When it is checked it reduces the size of the menu that appears when you click Start.


Show clock

When it is checked it displays a digital clock on the taskbar. The clock displays the time as specified by your computer's internal clock. You can point to the clock to display the date, and double-click the clock to adjust the time or date.


Start Menu Programs Tab

 To add a program to the Start or Programs menu

1.             Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Taskbar & Start Menu.

2.             Click the Start Menu Programs tab.

3.             Click Add, and then click Browse.

4.             Locate the program you want to add, and then click it.

5.             Click Next, and then double-click the menu on which you want the program to appear.

6.             Type the name that you want to see on the menu, and then click Finish.

7.             If Windows prompts you to choose an icon, click one, and then click Finish.


·                You can also add a program to the top of the Start menu by dragging the program's icon to the Start button.

·                Click Advanced if you want to add a program by using Windows Explorer.


To remove a program from the Start or Programs menu

1.             Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Taskbar & Start Menu.

2.             Click the Start Menu Programs tab.

3.             Click Remove, and then locate the program you want to remove.

4.             Click the program, and then click Remove.


·                Although this deletes the shortcut from the Start menu, the original program remains on your computer.

·                Each folder represents a menu or submenu. To open a folder, double-click it.

·                Click Advanced if you want to delete a program's shortcut by using Windows Explorer.


To add a new submenu to the Programs menu

1.             Right-click Start, and then click Open.

2.             Click the Programs folder to select it.

3.             Click the File menu, point to New, and then click Folder.

4.             Type the name that you want to use for the submenu.

5.             Press ENTER, and then open the folder you just created.

6.             On the File menu, point to New, and then click Shortcut.

7.             Use the Create Shortcut wizard to add items to the submenu.




It contains recently used files. You can easily open these file.


To open a file you’ve used recently

1.             Click Start, and then point to Documents.

2.             Click the document you want to open.


·                Some programs cannot add files to the Documents menu. If the document you want to open is not listed, click Start, point to Find, and then click Files or Folders. Use the Find dialog box to locate the program file.


To clear the contents of the Documents menu

1.             Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Taskbar & Start Menu.

2.             Click the Start Menu Programs tab.

3.             In Documents menu, click Clear.




You can add folder or webpage to this folder, so it will be easy for you to open the folder or webpage.


 To open a favorite Web site from the Start menu

·                Click the Start button, point to Favorites, and then click the Web page or folder you want.



My Documents

My Documents is a desktop folder that provides you with a convenient place to store documents, graphics, or other files you want to access quickly. On your desktop, it is represented by a folder with a sheet of paper in it. When you save a file in a program such as WordPad or Paint, the file is automatically saved in My Documents unless you choose a different location.


·                To change the default folder for My Documents, right-click My Documents, click Properties, and, in Target, type or browse for the path and folder name where you want to save files.

·                If you set file preview options in Excel or PowerPoint, you can select a file in My Documents and preview it in the left pane of Windows Explorer when My Documents is in Web view.



My Computer

It contains Drives (A:, C:, etc.), Printer, Control Panel, Dial-Up Networking, Scheduled Tasks, etc.


To open a file or folder

1.             Double-click My Computer.

2.             Double-click the drive that contains the file.

3.             Double-click the file or folder you want to open.


Dial-Up Networking

It is used to set up a network connection, make changes in the connection and to delete any connection.


To set up a network connection by using Dial-Up Networking

1.             Double-click My Computer, and then double-click Dial-Up Networking.

2.             Follow the instructions on the screen.


·                To dial a connection that you have already set up, click its icon in the Dial-Up Networking window.

·                If you have already set up a Dial-Up connection, you can click Make New Connection to create a new connection.

·                After you connect to another computer, you can see files and folders on the remote computer only if the files and folders are shared.

·                If you do not see a Dial-Up Networking folder in My Computer, then the component is not installed.


Scheduled Task

It is used to add task or to remove scheduled task.


To schedule a new task

1.             Open the Task Scheduler window by double-clicking My Computer and then double-clicking the Scheduled Tasks folder.

2.             In the list of tasks, click Add Scheduled Task.

3.             Follow the instructions in the Add Scheduled Task wizard to schedule the task.

4.             If you want to make advanced settings for the task (such as setting it to run repeatedly each time it runs), be sure to select the Open Advanced Properties of the Task check box in the final screen of the wizard.


·                If you want to make advanced settings for the task (such as setting it to run repeatedly each time it runs, or specifying parameters for the task command), be sure to select the Open Advanced Properties of the Task check box in the final screen of the wizard.

·                To have a new task run repeatedly each time it runs, select the Open Advanced Properties of the Task check box in the final screen of the wizard, then click the Schedule tab and click Advanced.

·                If the task program requires parameters, select the Open Advanced Properties of the Task check box in the final screen of the wizard, then click the Task tab and type them in the Run box, after the task path.

·                Make sure that the system date and time for your computer are accurate. Task Scheduler relies on this information to know when to run scheduled tasks. To check or change the date and time, double-click the time on the taskbar.


To modify a scheduled task

1.             Open the Task Scheduler window by double-clicking My Computer and then double-clicking the Scheduled Tasks folder.

2.             Right-click the task you want to modify, and then click Properties.

o                     To change the program you want to run, in the Run box, type the path for the task, or click Browse.

o                     To change the schedule for the task, click the Schedule tab.

o                     To customize the settings for the task, click the Settings tab.


·                If the task program requires parameters, type them in the Run box, after the task path.

·                If the path to the task program includes spaces, put double quotation marks (“) around the entire task path.

·                Make sure that the system date and time for your computer are accurate. Task Scheduler relies on this information to know when to run scheduled tasks. To check or change the date and time, double-click the time on the taskbar.


To stop a scheduled task that is currently running

1.             Open the Task Scheduler window by double-clicking My Computer and then double-clicking the Scheduled Tasks folder.

2.             Right-click the task that you want to stop, and then click End Task.


·                If a scheduled task starts another program, this command stops only the original scheduled task, not the second task.

·                To restart a task, right-click the task, and then click Run.



Recycle Bin

Windows stores deleted files in the Recycle Bin, which is located on the desktop. You can use the Recycle Bin to retrieve files you deleted in error, or you can empty the Recycle Bin to create more disk space.

If you cannot see the Recycle Bin, right-click a blank area of the taskbar, and then click Minimize All Windows.



Using Send To

To quickly send files and folders to another place

1.             In My Computer or Windows Explorer, right-click the file or folder you want to send.

2.             Point to Send To, and then click the destination.


·                You can add other destinations to Send To. In the Send To folder, which is located in your Windows folder, create shortcuts to the destinations you send files to often, such as a printer, fax machine, or particular folder.



To create a shortcut in a folder

1.             In My Computer or Windows Explorer, click the folder in which you want to create the shortcut.

2.             On the File menu, point to New, and then click Shortcut.

3.             Follow the instructions on the screen.



To put a shortcut on the desktop

1.             In My Computer or Windows Explorer, click the item, such as a file, program, folder, printer, or computer, for which you want to create a shortcut.

2.             On the File menu, click Create Shortcut.

3.             Drag the shortcut icon onto the desktop.


·                To change any settings for the shortcut, such as what kind of window it starts in, right-click the shortcut, and then click Properties.

·                To delete a shortcut, drag it to the Recycle Bin. The original item still exists on the disk.



To start a program

1.             Click Start, and then point to Programs.

2.             If the program you want is not on the menu, point to the folder that contains the program.

3.             Click the program name.


·                After you start a program, a button for that program appears on the taskbar.

To switch from one running program to another, click its taskbar button.

·                If the program you want doesn't appear on the Programs menu or one of its submenus, click Start, point to Find, and then click Files or Folders. Use the Find dialog box to locate the program file.



To copy a file or folder

1.             In My Computer or Windows Explorer, click the file or folder you want to copy.

2.             On the Edit menu, click Copy.

3.             Open the folder or disk where you want to put the copy.

4.             On the Edit menu, click Paste.


·                To select more than one file or folder to copy, hold down the CTRL key, and then click the items you want.

·                To select a folder in the left pane of Windows Explorer, click the folder.



To move a file or folder

1.             In My Computer or Windows Explorer, click the file or folder you want to move.

2.             On the Edit menu, click Cut.

3.             Open the folder where you want to put the file or folder.

4.             On the Edit menu, click Paste.


·                To select more than one file or folder, hold down the CTRL key, and then click the items you want.

·                You can also move a file or folder by dragging it to the desired location.

·                To select a folder in the left pane of Windows Explorer, click the folder.



To select multiple files and folders

In the folder window, hold down the CTRL key, and then click each item you want:

·                To select all the files and folders in the window, on the Edit menu, click Select All.

·                To select a group of files that are next to each other in Windows Explorer, click in a blank area of the window next to the first or last file in the group. Then drag around the files you want to select.



To delete a file or folder

1.             In My Computer or Windows Explorer, click the file or folder you want to delete.

2.             On the File menu, click Delete.


·                You can also drag file or folder icons into the Recycle Bin. If you press SHIFT while dragging, the item will be deleted from your computer without being stored in the Recycle Bin.

·                To select a folder in the left pane of Windows Explorer, click the folder.



To retrieve deleted files or shortcuts

1.             On the desktop, double-click the Recycle Bin.

2.             Click the file or shortcut you want to retrieve.

3.             On the File menu, click Restore.


·                If you restore a file that was originally located in a deleted folder, the folder is recreated, and then the file is restored in the folder.

·                Files deleted at the command prompt, files deleted from network locations, and files deleted from removable media (such as disks) are not moved to the Recycle Bin. They are permanently removed when you delete them.

·                To open a file that is in the Recycle Bin, drag the icon onto the desktop, and then click it.

·                To retrieve several files at once, hold down the CTRL key, click each file you want to retrieve, and then click Restore on the File menu.
