


It contains Control Panel, Taskbar, Printer, etc.


Control panel

It contains Add New Hardware, Add / Remove Programs, Date & Time, Display, Mouse, Keyboard, etc.



Add New Hardware

It is used to add new hardware to your computer.

You can open the Add New Hardware wizard by clicking Start, pointing to Settings, clicking Control Panel, and then double-clicking Add New Hardware.

Whenever possible, let Windows detect your new hardware. Make sure you have connected your hardware or installed its components on your computer before running the wizard.


To install a Plug and Play device

·                Turn off your computer.

·                Connect the device to your computer according to the manufacturer's instructions.

·                Turn on your computer and start Windows. Windows will automatically detect the new Plug and Play device and install the necessary software.


If Windows does not detect a new Plug and Play device, then the device itself is not working properly, is not installed correctly, or is not installed at all. Do not use the Add New Hardware wizard. The Add New Hardware wizard cannot solve any of the problems Noted here.



Add/Remove Programs

It contains Install/Uninstall Tab, Windows Setup Tab & Startup Disk Tab.

To open the Add/Remove Programs Properties click Start, point to Settings, click Control Panel and double-click Add/Remove Programs.


Install/Uninstall Tab

It is used to Install new programs or to Uninstall the installed program.


Windows Setup Tab

It is used to add or remove a Windows component

·      Open the Add/Remove Programs Properties dialog box at the Windows Setup tab by clicking Start, pointing to Settings, clicking Control Panel, double-clicking Add/Remove Programs, and then clicking the Windows Setup tab.

·                  Under Components, click the component you want to add or remove.

·                  To add all parts of the component, select its check box.

·                  To remove all parts of the component, click to clear its check box.

·                  To add or remove some parts of the component, click Details, and then click to select or clear check boxes for those parts.


Startup Disk Tab

It is used to create a startup Disk, which enable you to start your computer if you have trouble starting from Hard Disk or CD.

·                Open the Add/Remove Programs Properties dialog box at the Startup Disk tab by clicking Start, pointing to Settings, clicking Control Panel, double-clicking Add/Remove Programs, and then clicking the Startup Disk tab.

·                To make a startup disk, you will need one floppy disk with at least 1.2 MB capacity.

·                When you insert the startup disk in your computer before restarting, the computer starts from that disk, not from your hard drive.




It is used to change system date or time.

To open the Date/Time Properties click Start, point to Settings, click Control Panel and double-click Date/Time.

To change your computer's date

·                Under Date, select the item you want to change:

o                     To change the month, click the month list, and then click the correct month.

o                     To change the year, click the arrows in the year list, or type the correct year.

o                     To change the day, click the correct day on the calendar.

·                Windows uses the date setting to identify when files are created or modified.


To change your computer's time

·                Under Time, select the item you want to change:

o                     To change the hour, select the hour, and then click the arrows to increase or decrease the value.

o                     To change the minutes, select the minutes, and then click the arrows to increase or decrease the value.

o                     To change the seconds, select the seconds, and then click the arrows to increase or decrease the value.

o                     To change the AM/PM indicator, select it, and then click the arrows.

·                Windows uses the time setting to identify when files are created or modified.




It contains Background Tab, Screen Saver Tab, Appearance Tab, Effects Tab, Web Tab and Settings Tab.

To open the Display Properties click Start, point to Settings, click Control Panel and double-click Display.


Background Tab

It is used to change the background of the desktop.

·                Open the Display Properties dialog box by clicking Start, pointing to Settings, clicking Control Panel, and then double-clicking Display.

·                You can use most graphic files, such as bitmaps (.bmp), GIFs (.gif), and JPEG (.jpeg) images, as Wallpaper (Wallpaper is a picture or image that you can display on your desktop. You can choose wallpaper from the list or use your own bitmap file, such as a drawing or scanned photograph. To use your own file, click Browse, and then specify the file's location).

·                To cover your entire screen with a small wallpaper image, click Tile. To center a wallpaper image, click Center.

·                You can use patterns and wallpaper simultaneously. However, if Tile is selected, you cannot see the pattern.

·                Click Apply to see the changes before you close the dialog box, or click OK to accept the changes and close the dialog box.


Screen Saver Tab

It is used to set up a screen saver.

·                Open the Display Properties dialog box at the Screen Saver tab by clicking Start, pointing to Settings, clicking Control Panel, double-clicking Display, and then clicking the Screen Saver tab.

·                In Screen Saver, click the screen saver you want to use.

·                To customize the screen saver, click Settings.

·                The screen saver starts if your computer is idle for the number of minutes specified in Wait. To clear the screen saver after it has started, move your mouse or press any key.

·                Preview starts the screen saver temporarily so you can see what it looks like. To return to Windows, move your mouse or press any key.


Appearance Tab

It is used to change the way items on the desktop look.

·                Open the Display Properties dialog box at the Appearance tab by clicking Start, pointing to Settings, clicking Control Panel, double-clicking Display, and then clicking the Appearance tab.

·                If you want to change the appearance of only one screen element, click that element in Item, and then change the settings in Size and Color for the item and its font.

·                If you select the Active Title Bar or the Inactive Title Bar in Item, you can change the gradient (the gradient is a smooth change in color from the left side of the title bar to the right side of the title bar. You can choose any two colors you want from Color 1 and Color 2 and Windows will make a smooth color transition from left to right). Gradient is not available if your computer is set to 256 colors.

·                If you change individual settings, you can save them by clicking Save As and then typing a name for the scheme. That name will appear in Scheme, so you can easily restore the settings later.

·                If you want to change the appearance of all screen elements simultaneously, click an appearance scheme in Scheme.


Effects Tab

It is used to change the appearance of a desktop icon and to change visual settings for the desktop.


To change the appearance of a desktop icon

·                Open the Display Properties dialog box by clicking Start, pointing to Settings, clicking Control Panel, and then double-clicking Display.

·                Click the Effects tab.

·                Under Desktop icons, click the icon you want to change, then click Change Icon.

·                To use an icon from the default icon file, double-click an icon in the Current icon list.

·                To use an icon from another icon file, click Browse, click an icon file, and then click Open.

·                To use the default icon for a desktop icon, under Desktop icons, click an icon to change, and then click Default Icon.


To change the visual settings for your desktop

·                Open the Display Properties dialog box by clicking Start, pointing to Settings, clicking Control Panel, and then double-clicking Display.

·                Click the Effects tab.

·                Under Visual effects, click the item you want to change.

·                Displaying large icons requires more memory than displaying small icons. If you notice a decrease in your computer’s performance, click to clear the Use large icons check box.

·                To see only the window outline when you move a window, clear the Show window contents while dragging check box. Also, clear this check box if you want to see what is behind a window as you move or size it.

·                Using all possible colors to display icons requires more computer memory, and Windows may take longer to refresh your desktop if you are using a 486-based computer. If you want to improve performance, clear the Show icons using all possible colors check box.

·                If you are using a 486-based computer and you want to increase performance, clear the Stretch desktop wallpaper to fit the screen check box.


Web Tab

It is used to turn On/Off Active Desktop as a Webpage and to add/remove WebPages to/from the Desktop.


What is the Active Desktop?

The Active Desktop interface lets you put "active content" from Web pages, or a channel, on your desktop. For example, make your favorite online newspaper into your desktop wallpaper. You can make your desktop truly your own space by adding the active items you need to refer to on a regular basis: news, weather, sports, stock prices, or whatever you want to have at hand. Your desktop can now reflect you - your preferences and your style.


·                You must have the new desktop installed in order to use the Active Desktop. If you are running Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 and did not originally install the new desktop, see Related Topics below.

To add Web content to the desktop

You can add any "active content" you want from the Web to your desktop. Active content is content that changes on your screen, such as a stock ticker or a weather map. You can add an item from either the Active Desktop Gallery, a page you've seen on the Web as you surfed, or a channel.

1.             Open the Display Properties dialog box by clicking Start, pointing to Settings, clicking Control Panel, and then double-clicking Display.

2.             Click the Web tab, and then click New. But be sure that “View my Active Desktop as a Webpage” is selected.

3.             If you want to browse the Active Desktop Gallery for a component to add, click Yes.

If you want to select some other Web site, click No, and then type the address of the Web site you want, or click Browse to locate it.


Settings Tab

To change the number of colors your monitor displays and to change the size of the screen area.


To change the number of colors your monitor displays

·                Open the Display Properties dialog box at the Settings tab by clicking Start, pointing to Settings, clicking Control Panel, double-clicking Display, and then clicking the Settings tab.

·                In Colors, click the number of colors that you want your monitor to display.

·                Your monitor and display adapter determine the maximum number of colors that can appear on your monitor.


To change the size of the screen area

·                Open the Display Properties dialog box at the Settings tab by clicking Start, pointing to Settings, clicking Control Panel, double-clicking Display, and then clicking the Settings tab.

·                In Screen area, click the desktop size.

·                Your monitor and display adapter determine whether you can change your screen resolution.



Game Controllers

It is used to calibrate your game controller

·                To open the Game Controllers dialog box, click Start, point to Settings, click Control Panel, and then double-click Game Controllers.

·                If you have more than one game controller, select the one you want to configure in the Game Controllers list.

·                Click Properties, and then click the Settings tab.

·                If your game controller has a rudder or pedals, select Rudder. This ensures you will be able to use the extra control in your games.

·                Click Calibrate, and then follow the instructions on your screen.




It is used to change the way the keyboard responds and to add or to delete a keyboard language or layout.


Speed Tab

To change the way the keyboard responds

·                Open the Keyboard Properties dialog box by clicking Start, pointing to Settings, clicking Control Panel, and then double-clicking Keyboard.

·                On the Speed tab, make changes as necessary:

o                     To adjust how much time elapses before characters repeat when you hold down a key, drag the Repeat delay slider.

o                     To adjust how quickly characters repeat when you hold down a key, drag the Repeat rate slider.

o                     Cursor blink rate adjusts the speed at which the cursor (or insertion point) blinks. To change the cursor blink rate, drag the slider.


Language Tab

It is used to add a keyboard language or layout and to delete a keyboard language or layout.


To add a keyboard language or layout

·        Open the Keyboard Properties dialog box at the Language tab by clicking Start, pointing to Settings, clicking Control Panel, double-clicking Keyboard, and then clicking the Language tab.

·        Click Add.

·        In the Add Language dialog box, click the keyboard language (by choosing a keyboard language, you specify what language you want to use to type. Some programs that are designed for the Windows platform recognize this setting. When you add a new keyboard language, a keyboard layout for that language is also added)  you want to add, and then click OK.

When the Enable indicator on taskbar check box on the Language tab is selected and you have two or more keyboard languages installed, an indicator representing the default keyboard language appears on the taskbar. To quickly switch between keyboard languages, click the indicator, and then click the keyboard language you want to use.


To delete a keyboard language or layout

·        Click the keyboard language and keyboard layout you want to delete, and then click Remove.




It contains Buttons, Pointers and Motion Tabs.


Buttons Tab

It is used to adjust the double-click speed for your mouse and to reverse your mouse buttons.


Pointers Tab

It is used to change the appearance of your mouse pointer.

1.             Open the Mouse Properties dialog box at the Pointers tab by clicking Start, pointing to Settings, clicking Control Panel, double-clicking Mouse, and then clicking the Pointers tab.

2.             To change all your pointers at one time, click the box under Scheme. By default, only a limited set of mouse pointer schemes is installed during Windows Setup.

3.             To change only one pointer, click it, click Browse, and then double-click the file name of the pointer you want to use.

4.             You can customize as many pointers as you want, and then save them as a new scheme by clicking Save As.

5.             To remove a pointer scheme, click it under Scheme, and then click Delete.

To returns your pointer settings to the ones that the operating system uses by default click Use Default.


Motion Tab

It is used to adjust the speed of your mouse pointer and to turn On/Off and adjust the mouse pointer trail




It is used to install new printer you can also change printer settings.

1.             Click Start, point to Settings, click Printers, and then double-click Add Printer.

2.             Follow the instructions on the screen.

If you want to print a test page, first make sure your printer is on and ready to print.


To change printer settings

1.             Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Printers.

2.             Right-click the icon for the printer you are using, and then click Properties.

3.             The settings you can change depend on the type of printer you have. Click the different tabs to see all of the options you can set. Changing the printer properties will change them for all documents you print on this printer. To change these settings for one document, click the File menu in your program, and then click Page Setup or Print Setup.


To share your printer

1.             Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Printers.

2.             Click the printer you want to share.

3.             On the File menu, click Properties.

4.             Click the Sharing tab, and then click Shared As.



Regional Setting

It is used to change number, currency, time, and date settings.

1.              Open the Regional Settings Properties dialog box by clicking Start, pointing to Settings, clicking Control Panel, and clicking Regional Settings.

2.             On the Regional Settings tab, click the name of the region whose date, time, number, and currency format you want to use.




It is used to assign sounds to program events.

1.             Open the Sounds Properties dialog box by clicking Start, pointing to Settings, clicking Control Panel, and then double-clicking Sounds.

2.             In Events, click the event (an event is an action performed by you or by a program. Your computer can notify you when an event occurs. For example, sometimes your computer beeps when you press an incorrect key. If you have a sound card, you can choose to play a sound other than a beep when this event occurs. Your computer can also play sounds when other events occur, such as when you start or quit a program)  to which you want to assign a sound.

3.             In Name, click the sound you want to play whenever the selected event occurs.

4.             You can test a sound by clicking its name, and then clicking the “►” button. The sound stops when you click the “■” button.

5.             By default, not all sound schemes are installed during setup. If the sound you want to use is not listed, click Browse.

6.             You can save your sound settings by clicking Save As and then naming the sound scheme you created. The name you enter will appear in Schemes, so you can easily use these settings later.




It is used to provide system information and to change advanced settings.




It is used to setup and manage multiple users for your computer. Each user can set up an individual desktop appearance, icons and other settings.

·                To log on to another user click Start, and then click Log Off.

·                Click Yes.

·                Enter Password and click Ok.



Al ready discussed in Control Panel.
