With the improvement in modern technology Computers
have been classified into various generations.
Mechanical calculators, electromechanical
calculating machines.
Machine of Charles Babbege, Pascal etc.
Technology was not much developed and accuracy
was not reasonable.
All fundamental concepts were developed during
this period.
First Generation (1946-1959)
A very big development in first generation was vacuum
tubes. The Computer equipped with these tubes were:
Huge in size,
Occupying a lot of space,
Producing a lot of heat,
Having frequent faults and breakdowns.
Used for only limited applications,
Failure of vacuum tubes due to electric current
Computers of first generation were ENIAC, EDVAC, EDSAC
Second Generation (1959-1965)
With the advent of transistor technology, a second
generation of Computers came into existence. These Computers were smaller in
size, very fast in speed, very big processing capacity, more reliable and
highly efficient than first generation Computers.
Many American and European companies manufactured
these machines. One of them, the IBM 1401 was the most popular.
Third Generation (1965-1970)
In third generation, a very big revolution in Computer
technology was ICs (Integrated Circuits) in the form of chip, instead of
transistors. Several transistors were packed on a small chip made of material
called Silicon. Because of these ICs the speed of Computer was increased nearly
10,000 over the second-generation Computers. Moreover, the machines consumed very
little power and were highly reliable. IBM 370 is one of the most popular
machine of this generation.
Computers of this generation were easily available in
the market and they were less costly.
Fourth Generation (Since 1970)
The invention of microprocessor chip has created a
revolution in the reduction of price and size of this generation machines.
These machines have following advantage over other generations.
These machines are much faster, less expensive
and have greater data processing capacity than equivalent sized third
generation Computers.
Machines of this generation can even be
connected with the satellite communication links to transform information from
one part of the world to other part of the world at a very high speed.
These machines use advance application Softwares
such as process controllers, electronic spreadsheet (Lotus 123) and database
management (dbase III).
Fifth Generation (Under Development)
Computers of fifth generation will be
able to think as human being can think. They will store very large amount of
information, make expert judgement and take accurate and timely decision. They
will use new types of ICs for faster speed of operation. Such machines are
under development in U.S.A and Japan. These machines will replace human beings
for most tedious work.