Computer Technology


Computer technology is as wide as Ocean but it is divided into two main branches.

1)            Hardware

2)            Software


1)       Hardware

Computer Hardware technology means to work with the physical parts of Computer e.g. monitor, keyboard, printer etc. Computer Manufacturing, Computer Engineering & Computer Assembling are the major parts of Computer Hardware technology.

 a)       Computer Manufacturing

Those who make new elements of Computer are called Computer Manufacturers. And this technology is called Computer manufacturing.

 b)       Computer Engineering

Computer Engineering is concerned with maintenance and manufacturing of the physical parts of Computer.

 c)       Computer Assembling

It is the easy type of Computer Hardware. Collecting various parts of Computer and putting (connecting) them in their respective places (connectors) is called Computer Assembling or the collection of many parts of Computer to form a useful Computer machine is called Computer Assembling.


2)       Software

As you know that even if all the parts of Computer system are connected together and correctly, then also Computer will not perform its duty. To use Computer properly, we need Software. Programming & Operating Computer are the two main parts of Computer Software technology.

        a)       Programmer

Programmer prepares Computer programs based on specification prepared by the System Analyst.

 b)       Operator

He is involved in data entry (typing) tasks.