Computer Assembling

To collect various parts of Computer and connect them with each other in order the computer to solve User’s problems is called Computer Assembling. It is a part of Computer Hardware Technology (for more information about the hardware visit parts of computer website).


 To make a useful Computer you will be in need of the following parts:

1) Monitor      2) Keyboard   3) Mouse       4) Casing      5) Motherboard         6) Processor / Fan    7) Cards (VGA, Sound Card & Speakers, Fax Modem Card, LAN Card etc.)   8) Drives (HDD (Hard Disk Drive), FDD (Floppy Disk Drive) & CD Drive with data cables)  9)  RAM   10) Bootable CD OR Startup Floppy.


 To connect various parts of Computer you have to follow the following steps:

1)            Open casing and make a perfect stand for motherboard.

2)            Insert motherboard in casing with its keyboard port at the backside of the casing under power-supply and tight the screws.

3)            Connect casing lids (e.g. speaker lid, HDD lid, Reset button lid, Power lid etc.) with motherboard.

4)            Attach power-supply cables with motherboard.

5)            Insert CPU in its socket or slot correctly and set CPU fan over it.

6)            Insert RAM in its slot correctly.

7)            Insert VGA card in its expansion slot. If the VGA is Built-in, in motherboard then connect VGA data cable with motherboard and set port correctly in the casing.

8)            Insert sound card in its expansion slot. If sound card is also built-in, in motherboard then connect sound card data cable with motherboard and set the ports properly in the casing.

9)            Connect communication data cables (Parallel / Serial) with motherboard and set the ports properly in the casing.

10)         If you are having other adapters like LAN card, fax modem card etc. insert them also in their expansion slot.

11)         Insert floppy drive in the casing and tight its screws. Connect the data cable to motherboard and floppy drive then connect power cable also to floppy drive.

12)         Before inserting HDD check its jumper that it is set correctly i.e. you are having two IDE connectors on motherboard (IDE-1 or Primary and IDE-2 Secondary). You can connect two drives to each connector at a time (Master and Slave). If you want to connect the HDD or CD Drive to master then you must set the drive jumper to master, but if you want to connect the HDD or CD Drive to slave then you must set jumpers to slave. NOTE: No two drives must have the same jumper setting address. Jumper setting diagram is drawn on every HDD and CD Drive.

13)         After setting jumpers of both HDD and CD Drive set both of them in the casing and connect IDE data cable to motherboard and both the drives. Then connect power cable also to both of them.

14)         After inserting every part correctly and connecting each cable, check them that they are not loose and that they are inserted correctly. When all these parts are setup then the casing with these components is called system unit.

15)         After checking each and every part, connect monitor data cable and power cable to the ports of the system unit. Connect keyboard cable, mouse cable, speaker cable etc. also to their ports at the backside of the system unit.

16)         After making connection turn ON the power to computer and enter the setup with Del or F2. After entering the setup load best performance setup and Auto-Detect Hard Disks or set values manually with the help of User’s Manual of motherboard. Then set boot sequence to floppy or CD-ROM. You can also set date, time, floppy drive, password etc. from setup. After setting these values quit setup with saving the changes.

17)         e.g.1) If you have set boot sequence to CD ROM then insert Windows 98 bootable CD in the CD-ROM and watch screen carefully for the massages till the prompt appears.

a)         When you see the command prompt type FDISK to create or to delete partition. After typing FDISK you will see the following messages:

        1.    Create DOS partition or Logical DOS Drive.

2.    Set active partition.

3.    Delete partition or Logical DOS Drive.

4.    Display partition information.


·      Press 4 <Enter> to display partition information.

·      Press 3 <Enter> to delete previous partition from the bottom if partition was defined.

·      After the above two steps press 1 <Enter> to create new partition(s).

·      After creating partitions press 2 <Enter> to set the partition active.

·      Finally exit FDISK with the help of Escape key and restart the computer.


b)         When the computer is restarted format each drive with the help of FORMAT command.

c)         After formatting drive(s), change the drive to CD drive and enter Windows directory. Then type SETUP to start installation. Follow the Instructions displayed on the screen.

d)         When Windows is installed and computer is restarted enter the setup again and set first boot sequence to hard disk and exit setup with saving the new changes and wait till the windows starts up.

e.g.2) If you have set boot sequence to CD ROM then insert Windows XP bootable CD in the CD-ROM and watch screen carefully for the massages till Windows XP installation starts automatically (follow the instruction displayed on the screen.)

22)      Once windows is started install proper software driver for each Hardware.

23)       After installing drivers, install other useful Software.


After installing other software you are able to use Computer and take maximum benefit from it.